Tidnaal ALanguage

Tidnaal, also known as Midob (also spelt Meidob), is the language of the Midob people of North Darfur, Sudan. It is one of the Nubian languages, which are part of the Nilo-Saharan language phylum. The Midob people call their language tìd-n-áal, literally “speech of the people”. There are an estimated 50,000 Midob speakers in two main dialects, Urrti and Kaageddi, however Claude Rilly (2010:162) lists the dialects of Urrti, Shalkota, and Torti.

Word in Tidnaal Word in English
àbbá father
ée(n) mother
éenící brother
éeshi sister
àssì daughter
gàa son
ùbbàr grandfather
àwà grandmother
kòorúucé big
tèré small
essédi cold
sùu hot
údì black
áriccèe white
èerìcì short
tàssé long
ǝlhȇm to eat
tìihȇm to drink
sóohȇm to walk
álkàhȇm to speak
kǝlhȇm to see