Project Noiin Literacy

This project aims to organize Nobiin literacy classes for native speakers in any location where a community of Nobiin speakers exist. Through this project NLS opens literacy classes and the students learn of how to read and write Nobiin using NLS nobiin agii orthography which is based on Old Nubian Script. The academic secretariat of NLS (ASNLS) published a special book for this course. Moreover, ASNLS trains teachers, who are chosen as the best leaners in these classes, to carry on the activities to spread the culture of writing and reading which is considered a key factor to

factor to preserve the language in the society.  NLS has managed to organize more than fifty literacy classes inside and outside Nubia. Recently it has successfully managed to open literacy classes in three states in USA: VA, MD, and PA.

Due to Covid-19 we are running all classes virtually, through our face-book page ( In the coming few months, we are going to post all our literacy training classes on the website. NLS is always in need of volunteer teachers for literacy classes. To become an NLS volunteer teacher, you must fulfill the following criteria

  • You must be a native speaker of Nobiin language.
  • You must enroll a Nobiin literacy class.
  • You must finish the Training of trainers’ (T.O.T) sessions for Nobiin literacy project.
  • You must score at least 85 in the exam of Nobiin literacy class.

To download the literacy book prepared by the head of ASNLS team, please click on the following link (suggestion):  Click here to download.

For people who are interested to become volunteer teachers, please contact us through the following email: