About Andandi Language

Andandi is a Nile-Nubian spoken in North Sudan in the area extends from Kerma southwards until the fourth Cataract.  It is classified as a central Nubian language and it has two major dialects (Southern and Northern).  Andandi was known by the names “Dongolese” and “Dongolawi”, however the native community of the language called “Andandi” which means “ours” or “our language”. There are Andandi speakers in Southern Egypt around Aswan area and they call their tongue “Kenzi language”.

Words in Andandi Words in English
een mother
baab father
bes brother
Essi sister
uu grandfather
aaw grandmother
tood son
buru daughter
assi grandson
gii uncle(maternal)
baabna uncle(paternal)
een kigid aunt (maternal)
baabn essi aunt (paternal)


Sentence in Andandi Translation in English
ekki ni geran? What is your name?
er isaay diree? Where are you from?
enn jelli minelle? What is your job?
enn ugu min koteree? How old are you?
ay kalgi aag kalli I am eating the food
ay essigi aag niiri I am drinking water
ay suugir nog buuri I am going to the market
ay barawadki aagi ewirii I am farming in the field
arr nuubarii tanna We are Nubians
an baññid andandin Our language is Andandi

*Notice: This information was provided by Ahmed Alnosh, Usama Dalel, and Kosh Idries, from Dongola.